Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lisa Bloom- "Woman Shot Dead at Church"

I was watching tv with one of my roomates when we came across an Open Court tv show with Lisa Bloom as the speaker. A man, Billy Nathan Lee is being charged for killing his girlfriend, Carma Russel while she was leaving the church she belongs to. The man that is being charged is a previous convicted felon for breaking and entering. Lisa Bloom has asked two representatives from the defendant to join her on the show. They had no arguments. I believe that this man will definitely be charged with this crime. After the shooting when the cops arrived, he walked up to the car with his hands up and said, "I shot her, I shot her." At that time, he was arrested. Apparently the woman was being abused by this man for years. She had been talking to her Pastor about the situation when she finally got the courage to leave with her 4 children. And, this is what happened. He shot and killed her. This is just a horific story. I mean here's this poor woman who finally had the strength and courage to leave this abusive situation and he finds her and kills her. What is wrong with people? You kill her outside of the one place she finds comfort? I really feel bad for her family and her children, they must be devastated.

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